38 Control GPIO’s REG


38.1 Histroy

  • 2014-11-07, rayoslee, release V0.0.1

38.2 FAQ

  1. How to control S605-32’s REG ?

    • S605-32’s GPIO A-E Multi Function Control Register address mapping:

      GPAFUN = 0xB000_0000 + 0x80
      GPBFUN = 0xB000_0000 + 0x84
      GPCFUN = 0xB000_0000 + 0x88
      GPDFUN = 0xB000_0000 + 0x8C
      GPEFUN = 0xB000_0000 + 0x90
    • You can use nvtio to read/write REG.
    • ex. read 0xB0000080 ==> nvtio 0xB0000080
    • ex. write 0xB0000080 ==> nvtio -w 0xB0000080 0x00000001