21 Disable RTC


21.1 Histroy

  • 2014-08-07, rayoslee, release V0.0.3
    • modify “disable for bootable SPI”
    • add “miss case for bootable SPI”
  • 2014-07-28, rayoslee, release V0.0.2
    • add “verification”
  • 2014-07-25, rayoslee, release V0.0.1

21.2 FAQ

  1. How to disable RTC for bootable SD?(Target Name SDLoader_S605-32_192MHz)

    • Turn on DISABLE_RTC in Loader/SDLoader/SdLoader.c.

      6 +++ #define __DISABLE_RTC__
      227 #ifndef __DISABLE_RTC__
      228     // RTC H/W Power Off Function Configuration */
      229     outp32(AER,0x0000a965);
      230     while(1)
      231     {
      232         if((inp32(AER) & 0x10000) ==0x10000)
      233             break;
      234     }
      235     outp32(PWRON, 0x60005);     /* Press Power Key during 6 sec to Power off (0x'6'0005) */
      236     outp32(RIIR,0x4);
      237 #endif
      251 #ifdef __DISABLE_RTC__
      252     sysprintf("Disable RTC feature.\n");
      253 #endif
    • Turn off Device Drivers -> Real Time Clock using make menuconfig in linux kernel.
    • ./build sd to output kernel binary file.

  2. How to disable RTC for bootable SPI?(Target Name NoLCM)

    • Turn on No_RTC in Loader/SpiLoader/SpiLoader_gzip/src/main.c

      24 +++ #define __No_RTC__
      25 //#define __UPLL_240__
      26 #define __UPLL_192__
      336 #ifndef __No_RTC__
      337     outp32(AER,0x0000a965);
      339     while(1)
      340     {
      341         if((inp32(AER) & 0x10000) ==0x10000)
      342             break;          
      343     }
      345     outp32(PWRON, 0x60005);     /* Press Power Key during 6 sec to Power off (0x'6'0005) */
      346     outp32(RIIR,0x4);    
      347 #endif  
    • Turn on _S605_ in Loader/SpiLoader/SpiLoader_gzip/src/main.c

      #define _S605_
      #ifdef _S605_   // support S605 chip 
      // Initail GPIO pins GPE10 and GPE11 to output mode for S605 module. 
      void S605_init_gpio() 
      sysprintf("Initial GPIO pins for S605 module.\n"); 
      // initial GPE10 to output mode and pull low it. 
      outpw(REG_GPEFUN, inpw(REG_GPEFUN) & (~MF_GPE10));      // set GPE10 as GPIO pin 
      outpw(REG_GPIOE_PUEN, inpw(REG_GPIOE_PUEN) | BIT10);    // set GPE10 internal resistor to pull up 
      outpw(REG_GPIOE_DOUT, inpw(REG_GPIOE_DOUT) & (~BIT10)); // output 0 to GPE10 
      outpw(REG_GPIOE_OMD,  inpw(REG_GPIOE_OMD)  | BIT10);    // set GPE10 to OUTPUT mode 
      // initial GPE11 to output mode and pull low it. 
      outpw(REG_GPEFUN, inpw(REG_GPEFUN) & (~MF_GPE11));      // set GPE11 as GPIO pin 
      outpw(REG_GPIOE_PUEN, inpw(REG_GPIOE_PUEN) | BIT11);    // set GPE11 internal resistor to pull up 
      outpw(REG_GPIOE_DOUT, inpw(REG_GPIOE_DOUT) & (~BIT11)); // output 0 to GPE11 
      outpw(REG_GPIOE_OMD,  inpw(REG_GPIOE_OMD)  | BIT11);    // set GPE11 to OUTPUT mode 
      // Control GPE10 and GPE11 to power on S605 module. 
      //      When power on, pull low both RST (GPE10 pin) and PMU (GPE11 pin); 
      //      And then, pull high PMU; 
      //      Wait 3ms at least, pull high RST; 
      //      Keep status 12ms at least; 
      void S605_power_on() 
      UINT32 u32Delay; 
      sysprintf("Power on S605 module.\n"); 
      outpw(REG_GPIOE_DOUT, inpw(REG_GPIOE_DOUT) & (~BIT10)); // pull low RST 
      outpw(REG_GPIOE_DOUT, inpw(REG_GPIOE_DOUT) & (~BIT11)); // pull low PMU 
      u32Delay = 20000; 
      while(u32Delay--);  // delay 10000 loop ~= 5ms
      outpw(REG_GPIOE_DOUT, inpw(REG_GPIOE_DOUT) | BIT11);    // pull high PMU 
      u32Delay = 20000; 
      while(u32Delay--);  // delay 10000 loop ~= 5ms 
      outpw(REG_GPIOE_DOUT, inpw(REG_GPIOE_DOUT) | BIT10);    // pull hiigh RST 
      u32Delay = 40000; 
      while(u32Delay--);  // delay 10000 loop ~= 5ms 
    • Turn off Device Drivers -> Real Time Clock using make menuconfig in linux kernel.
    • ./build spi to output kernel binary file.

  3. How to verify “disable RTC” function in HW side?

    • Check S605-32 demo kit

      1. PIN 41/RTC_1.8V is connected to independent 1.8V power source.
      2. PIN 42/RTC_PWEREN is not connected to independent 1.8V power source. (NC, open it)
      3. PIN 43/RTC_WKUP is not connected to switch. (NC, open it)
      4. Remove RTC 32.768 crystal from S605-32 demo kit.

    • Power on S605-32 and it can be booted up.

  4. How to resolve “miss case” for bootable SPI without RTC ?

    • If you meet “start WPS PBC mode”, you can choose three solutions to resolve it.
    • First,

      1. modify WPS_TRIG_KEY from POWER to HOME in yourjffs2folder/wifi/network_config.default and etc/network_config
      2. remake jffs2.summary
    • Second,

      1. disable kpdin -t 2 (press key 2s) in yourBSP/initramfs/etc/profile_spi because kpdin will call RTC function.

        if [ $WPS_TRIG_KEY != -99 ]; then
        echo "Enable WPS? Press <"$WPS_TRIG_KEY_STR"> key" > $MSGTOTERMINAL
        --- kpdin -t 2
        if [ $? = $WPS_TRIG_KEY ]; then
      2. rebuild kernel, ./build spi

    • Third,

      1. give state a default but not 1 or 0 in drivers/char/w55fa93_sysmgr.c. If state is 0, kpdin will set it as POWER key.
      2. rebuild kernel, ./build spi
  5. Why does only SPI without RTC happens “miss case” but SD without RTC not?

    This is a good question. Please see two logs, 20140806_201114.puttylog.sd and 20140806_201152.puttylog.spi